Looking to help with Care at Memorial or in need of some care, yourself?
What is Congregational Care?
It’s all the ways in which we care for one another here at Memorial with meals, rides, or encouragement!
If YOU are interested in helping to be the hands and feet of Christ to our church family when they need it, or if you are in need of assistance, yourself, please contact Pastor Alyce!
Questions? Contact
Pastor Alyce in the
church office.
Are you feeling worn out? Frustrated? Lonely? Scared?
In need of someone to talk to?
Our Stephen Ministers are here to help. Memorial has a great team of Stephen Ministers who are extensively trained and gifted to help walk with you through this challenging season of life. Stephen Ministers meet with people one-on-one to provide spiritual care and comfort.
Sometimes you just need someone to talk to...

If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, a new training session is beginning in September!
Contact Steve Feith to learn more: 858.735.0736

Memorial provides a place for inurning the cremated remains of church members & their loved ones.
Inurning loved ones on the grounds of a church where they were baptized, married, or nurtured in faith, is an age-old tradition. Along with niches for inuring, the garden includes a wall for memorial plaques and an area for memorial pavers to be placed.
To learn more, download our brochure or contact the church office.
Memorial's Columbarium & Memorial Garden