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Ways to Give

  Online giving is made easy through the form on our giving page. There, you can sign up to make a one-time or a re-occurring general gift, or a specific gift to our general missions fund, our capital campaign, or selected mission or ministry.  Gifts may also be made in honor or in memory of someone special. 


You can also manage your giving through the VANCO app, give through your bank, or through the mail. 


NEW Vanco App

Vanco has a NEW app for online giving. If you were using the Give+ app, Vanco has upgraded it and you'll need to download a new app by September 30th. 
The app is called Vanco Faith Engagement and it can be downloaded for FREE a the the AppStore or GooglePlay. 

Memorial is listed as "Memorial UMC (FB)" within the app. 


You can use this app to do one-time donations or to set up reoccurring giving. 
For more details on how to Find Memorial and to USE the app, click HERE. 


Give Through Your Bank

Many banks will allow you to give to the church directly from your bank account THROUGH the bank. Check with your individual bank for details. 




Send in Your Check

You can always send in a check to our church office. Please be sure to designate in the memo section what the check is to be directed toward (ex: General Gifts, Capital Campaign, General Missions Fund, etc.)

Mail to:

Memorial United Methodist Church

601 Centre Street

Fernandina Beach, FL 32034


Sunday Services:

 8:00AM  In the Sanctuary

Weekly Holy Communion & favorite hymns


 9:30AM In the Maxwell Hall

Sing praises with our band


11:00AM The Sanctuary 

Enjoy familiar liturgy & hear our choir


11:00AM Digital Worship on YouTube.

Chat with our digital community during the premiere


Questions? Call 904-261-5769 or EMAIL.

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Memorial United Methodist Church

601 Centre Street | Fernandina Beach, Florida | 32034


© 2023 by Ground Floor. Proudly created with

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