Lamb Early Education Center is located in Memorial United Methodist Church and integrates early childhood education with an introduction to Christian education and values. Learn more about our wonderful early education center by emailing for information HERE.
Monday -Friday 7:30 am – 5:30 pm and/or 7:00 am – 6:00 pm considered extended care, an extra $15.00 per week.
Offering care for children 6 weeks through Pre-Kindergarten
Mission: Lamb Early Education Center is a Christian ministry providing each child with a safe and nurturing environment,
developmentally appropriate Christian educational opportunities, and high‐quality care.
Vision: Lamb Early Education Center at Memorial United Methodist Church seeks to be a partner with parents and caregivers as part of a grace‐filled family of Jesus followers.
‐ To surround our children with healthy and positive role models, both from our staff and from our congregation, who reflect the grace and love of Christ.
‐ To commit to the safety of our children by ensuring that all who work or volunteer at Lamb have been fully screened and that the facility is always a secure, safe environment.
‐ To provide opportunities for our children to put God’s love into action in our community and in the greater world.
‐ To nourish our teachers by providing encouragement, reimbursement for continuing education and certification, above‐average compensation and a healthy working environment.
‐ To encourage our children to be the individuals God created as they become life‐long followers of Jesus.
‐ To ensure that Lamb Early Education Center continues to be living proof of the grace and love of God in our community.
License # CO4NA0026
New Year’s Day
Good Friday
Shrimp Festival Friday 1/2 day close @ 1:00 pm
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Day and the day after
Christmas Eve ½ day close @ 1:00 pm
Christmas Day and the day after