There isn’t a time in my life when I’ve not been part of the Methodist tradition.
I was born into a family that had worshiped in Methodist Churches for several generations. I was baptized and catechized in the Methodist Church of Ireland, and when I came to faith in Christ, I attended and worshiped in that same Methodist Church. My first ministry job was in a Methodist Church, as was my second, third, and…wait a minute…all my ministry jobs have been in Methodist Churches. I have been steeped in this tradition for my entire life. You would think that because of that exposure I’d have known all along exactly what the Methodist label meant. But you would be wrong.
It wasn’t until I went to seminary and started to study Methodism in more depth that I became more aware of how this tradition has shaped me through all those years. Since then, I have continued to reflect on what it is to be a Christ follower in the Irish Methodist and then United Methodist traditions. My understanding of God’s grace has expanded, as has my understanding of discipleship in the Methodist way, and what it means to have an open table at the sacrament of Holy Communion, and what it is to join in on God’s mission through giving and through caring for the poor and struggling in our community and world.
The only thing I regret in all of this is that it took me so long to work out what this tradition I am a part of is, and how it has shaped and continues to shape my faith journey and my ministry in the world.
And this is why I am so excited for the upcoming series of sermons I will be preaching with Pastors Rachel and Alyce. Along with all the churches in the Florida Conference, we will be preaching a series called Wesleyan Rooted, in which we will explore and reflect on what it is to be a United Methodist Christian today. This series will help your discipleship journey, I just know it. Plan to be a part of it starting this Sunday, September 1st.
See you then!
Pastor Charlie