Hi Beloved Friends,
I hope as you read this today you are sitting somewhere, preferably with a warm beverage of your choice, resting in the peace and joy that accompanies the birth of Christ. This was the first year where we truly got to experience the wonderment of Christmas through our kids’ eyes.
Last year, Austin had just turned three, and Christmas was still a bit of an abstract thing. But this year, Christmas is HUGE. Austin’s excitement for Christmas had only been mounting since about December 19, when he proclaimed, “Tomorrow is Christmas!”, to which we had to explain that there were actually six more sleeps until Christmas. Every day since, he’d bound out with the energy of ten squirrels and offered us an update on how many sleeps we had left until Christmas. Until finally, we got there- Christmas Eve- just one more sleep until Christmas! He barely slept (now I understand why we tell our kids Santa won’t come unless they go to sleep) and was bright eyed and bushy tailed for the morning to come.
Oh, how joyful it is to watch a child light up on Christmas morning! I think it might be the closest thing we get to witnessing the shepherd’s own amazement at their meeting of the Christ child. Might we do with bottling a little bit of that excitement for ourselves and then sharing it around for others to experience? If you didn’t know, we are now in the liturgical season of Christmas for the church. There are 12 days (just like the song!), and here is my challenge to you- rather than giving out barnyard animals or musical entertainment these days, why don’t you take each day of Christmas and share your story with that many people. You might be a wee bit exhausted by the twelfth day, but, hey, it’s better than 12 drummers drumming! Though I say this with a little bit of jest, I do encourage you to take time during this Christmas season to share the love of Christ with others. Like a little kid on Christmas morning, share the excitement for the ways Christ has worked and moved in your life. Be well these next few days, and merry Christmas!
With love and peace,
Pastor Rachel