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Writer's picture: Memorial FernandinaMemorial Fernandina



That’s the number of saints whose names we will read this weekend as we celebrate All Saints.


As I look through the list of names I begin to reflect on my relationships with them. Some I knew very well, and others I only got to know  about after their passing. All of them, in their own way, were a gift to the world, and all of them taught me something about God’s grace.  I am remarkably grateful for their lives and witness.


All Saints Sunday is always a very poignant occasion. Remembering those that have gone on to the “great cloud of witnesses” ahead of us can evoke feelings of sadness and grief as well as gratitude and joy. On this day we cannot help but be reminded of those who passed the story of God’s grace on to us in meaningful ways. We only get to know the story of Jesus Christ and God’s amazing grace because these people took the time to tell and model it to us. Perhaps this is a good time to pause in the reading of this note, and to remember and speak some of those names.


But All Saints is not only about being reminded of those who told the story of faith to us, it is also about being reinspired to tell it ourselves. Who might you be in a position to pass the light of God’s hope on to? As you think of that person/people, perhaps pauses again to pray that they, like you, will receive the gift of God’s great love.


All Saints is a poignant Sunday on which we remember with thanks and are inspired by the memories of those who have gone before us. I hope and trust that you will plan to join us for this significant moment in the church calendar.

See you there!

 Pastor Charlie

Writer's picture: Memorial FernandinaMemorial Fernandina

I don’t know about you, but I have been having a lot of conversations with folks about what makes them come alive. In Lunch and Learn, we have also talked about passions of ours, something that I think goes hand in hand with this question of what brings us life.

Overwhelmingly, I have heard comments about a desire to serve, to make connections, to be hospitable, and to accompany others on their own discipleship journey. I love that those are ways our congregation comes alive!

As we end our stewardship series this Sunday (can you believe it!?), I was reminded by one member that conversations around stewardship don’t seem to be a bother here because you all see it for what it is- a way to share God’s love with the world. Through your gifts, we continue to grow in our generosity here in the community and beyond.  

This is my ask for you, as I like to have all the information I can in decision-making processes: please fill out a pledge card. Kids and youth, if you feel so led, you’re welcome to fill out a pledge card as well! This will give the budgeting subcommittee the information we need to accurately plan for all areas of ministry in 2025. It provides us with the knowledge we need to help steward these resources well. You can fill out a digital pledge card at or drop a paper pledge card by the Partin Center during office hours.

Thank you for all the ways you give of your time, talents, gifts, service and presence here at Memorial! 

With love,

Pastor Rachel


Writer's picture: Memorial FernandinaMemorial Fernandina

Church…I am so proud of you. So proud!


Last Sunday morning we managed to create 100 flood buckets in a remarkably short amount of time. I am proud of our missions team, who set the assembly line up. I am proud of every person who took some of their time to move through the line and get the job done. I am proud of everyone who has given a financial gift to cover the cost of the project. I am proud of the church member who delivered those flood buckets to Lakeland early in the week. And I am proud to be able to tell you that they are already in the hands of those who need them most at this time.


You made a difference, Church, by coming together and getting the job done.


Thank you.


Honestly, I am proud of our church family all the time.  Your generosity, your effort, your heart for Jesus, and your passion to make that difference in our community and world for the sake of God’s Kingdom, it NEVER ceases to blow me away.


The work of recovery after Hurricanes Helene and Milton will take many months, if not years, and it will require churches like ours to continue showing up in all the ways we can to help. I am proud that we are here for the long haul, Memorial. For more that 202 years we have been worshiping, making disciples of Jesus Christ, serving in mission for the sake of Christ, and making love show up in creative, innovative, and faithful ways. Memorial United Methodist Church is family of faithful stewards of God mission in the world.


This Sunday we will return to the Stewardship series that was paused last weekend. Pastor Rachel will bring a message she has written to inspire and encourage all of us in our stewardship journeys. After that, early next week you should receive mail from us that will include the latest edition of our newsletter, a copy of our narrative budget, and, of course, an “Estimate of Giving/Pledge” card. Please continue to pray about how you will support the faithful mission and ministry of Memorial in 2025, and plan to return those pledge cards on Sunday, October 27th.


Together, we are making a difference in our community in world. I am proud to share in this work with you.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Charlie


Sunday Services:

 8:00AM  In the Sanctuary

Weekly Holy Communion & favorite hymns

 9:30AM In the Maxwell Hall

Sing praises with our band

11:00AM The Sanctuary 

Enjoy familiar liturgy & hear our choir

11:00AM Digital Worship on YouTube.

Chat with our digital community during the premiere

Questions? Call 904-261-5769 or EMAIL.

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Memorial United Methodist Church

601 Centre Street | Fernandina Beach, Florida | 32034


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