I think we are on the verge of a shrimp invasion!
I know this the isle of eight flags, but historians must have missed knowing that there must have once been an era when a shrimp flag flew proudly over our tiny island, because I’m seeing shrimp flags everywhere in commemoration of that 9th flag.
And, I have it on good authority that our youth are in on this shrimp invasion and celebration. I know they are hoping you will let them direct you parking your car behind the church in the coming days so you can enjoy all the shrimp festivities, including Memorial youth’s world-famous shrimp quesadillas! The parking fees and sales of the oh so delicious shrimp quesadillas are a major source of funding for all our youth’s activities. Here’s a tip – after our worship service Sunday (remember now there’s just one service in the Sanctuary at 10:00am) walk downstairs to the multi-purpose room and buy your quesadilla for lunch and avoid the line outside! That way, too, you can witness love at work making them!
Now, if shrimp and crowds are not your thing, just stay home and read Bishop Berlin’s wonderful book The Third Day. This book has been the source for the worship series both Pastor Charlie, our youth and I have brought you sermons for the past four weeks. The book relates how witnessing Jesus’s resurrection, resurrected hope in and transformed those eyewitnesses’ lives. That resurrection power established the Christian church and is still transforming lives!
Maybe yours is one of them. It’s inspiring to know our Lord is still in the transformation business through the power of love. That gives me so much hope, and I hope reading this wonderful book will give you hope too to face whatever is swirling around you. I hope to see you Sunday! Happy shrimping, reading, worshipping, or just enjoying our beautiful weather!
Pastor Alyce