Many of the conversations I have been having in the last couple of weeks have been centered around hope. Some people are naming their hopes for the future, and some are looking for signs of hope in the difficulties they are experiencing.
If you were to press me as to what lies at the very center of my personal theological framework, I would likely use the word hope often in my response, because I believe hope lies at the heart of Christian faith – the hope that God is not done with the world; the hope that resurrection presents in the face of death, the hope of new creation and eternity in the presence of God.
What are the things that are fueling hope in you these days?
Even as I ask that question I understand that it might be a profoundly difficult one for some of you to answer. If that is the case, I’d like to invite you to make a point of attending church this coming Sunday because I believe hope will be very present there this weekend as our Youth Ministry leads all of our worship services. They will lead us in prayer, in song, they will present a skit to help us engage with the Scripture, and they will preach the sermon.
By their very presence among us, these young people embody hope for the future. Seeing them blossom in faith as part of our church family gives me great joy and encouragement, as it should for you too. So let’s get out to church this weekend with hearts and minds that are open to the work of God’s Spirit that will take place through the leadership of our Youth.
I’ll see you there!
Pastor Charlie