That’s the number of saints whose names we will read this weekend as we celebrate All Saints.
As I look through the list of names I begin to reflect on my relationships with them. Some I knew very well, and others I only got to know about after their passing. All of them, in their own way, were a gift to the world, and all of them taught me something about God’s grace. I am remarkably grateful for their lives and witness.
All Saints Sunday is always a very poignant occasion. Remembering those that have gone on to the “great cloud of witnesses” ahead of us can evoke feelings of sadness and grief as well as gratitude and joy. On this day we cannot help but be reminded of those who passed the story of God’s grace on to us in meaningful ways. We only get to know the story of Jesus Christ and God’s amazing grace because these people took the time to tell and model it to us. Perhaps this is a good time to pause in the reading of this note, and to remember and speak some of those names.
But All Saints is not only about being reminded of those who told the story of faith to us, it is also about being reinspired to tell it ourselves. Who might you be in a position to pass the light of God’s hope on to? As you think of that person/people, perhaps pauses again to pray that they, like you, will receive the gift of God’s great love.
All Saints is a poignant Sunday on which we remember with thanks and are inspired by the memories of those who have gone before us. I hope and trust that you will plan to join us for this significant moment in the church calendar.
See you there!
Pastor Charlie