Dear Friends,
I hope that your Thanksgiving was restful and filled with good things to eat and drink. In my house, the day after Thanksgiving marks the time when we go into total decoration mode. The tree gets pulled from the attic. The ornaments are unboxed and placed one by one on the carefully fluffed branches. In all honesty, most of that was already done earlier than normal, but today is when we do the final transition from fall decorations into a Christmas wonderland.
Just as we greened the church last week and decorated the house, now we transition from one church year into another with the start of Advent on Sunday. Perhaps you have your own traditions during Advent to mark this time when we prepare for the coming Christ child.
One way I hope you will join us this Advent season is through our church-wide study. This year, we’ll be discussing Rachel Billup’s An Unlikely Advent where we look at characters from the nativity stories that do not often get the same in-depth attention as Mary, Joseph or the infant Jesus. I find that these studies are an enriching way for the whole congregation to participate in this time of anticipation.
Join the pastors Wednesday at 6 through Facebook Live. We will start by discussing Elizabeth and Zechariah and the ways in which their dreams were made reality through an unexpected encounter. Should you need a book you can pick up one in the Partin Center on Sunday or order one from your favorite bookseller. We hope to see you online!
Wishing you a hope-filled Advent,
Pastor Rachel